I have been thrifting since I was pretty young. I've always enjoyed the thought of a recycled piece of clothing or trinket. I often wonder who owned it before me and how it ended up in my hands and who will own it next when I pass it on. My grandmother volunteered at St. Vincent Depal, a local thrift store in my home town for years. I got to volunteer with her a couple of times and watch all of the donations and treasures come through the door. When I am retired one day I'm sure I will end up completing the circle and volunteer in a thrift store once again. Today was a very good thrifting day, lots of good finds! There are some items that seem to AWAYS be in thrift stores!
So here it is..The 5 things you should never buy new..
1. Baskets
2. Children's Clothing
3. Fake flowers
4. Men's Ties
5. Kiddy Books
Happy Thrifting!
Love, T
I enjoy thrifting too...I always find the most special treasures!!!! Lately I have two thrifting videos on my Youtube channel from recent shopping days,,,would love for you to check them out. Leave me a comment if you wish, I would appreciate it.