I made it to the finish line and in better time than I had expected. Didn't beat my ultimate goal of 2 hours but I ran it in 2 hr and 5 min! Dang that 5 min:) Not bad considering the lack of training on my part. It makes me super excited for my next one when I will be prepared and will train properly!! The weather was perfect and the route was flat, I'm sure both helped aid in my decent time! I believe I hit "the wall" around mile 11! "The wall" in the running world is when you say to yourself, "just stop, give up, and walk off the track and go home," ask any runner IT HAPPENS!! Once you make it over the wall your body pushes you on, but it was a really high wall this weekend! My running buddy for this race, Tara finished her first half marathon and I am so proud of her!! She did so good! There was a certain vibe of fun throughout the race, lots of people smiling, chatting and cheering each other on, I loved it! Like I told you in my previous post Johnny went with me for the first time!! It was so awesome to see him on the sideline, I actually got to see him 3 separate times and at the finish! He had a tone of help form his buddy Ryan who lives in Louisville and knew right where to take him. The race took us through Church Hill Downs, which was really neat because there wasn't anybody but the runners and a few horses there, so pretty! Great half! Congrats to all who ran in Louisville and in Nashville this weekend! I hope you had a lovely race too!
cute derby tee!!
johnny and me before the race, bright and early!
my running buddy tara pre race!
at the finish line:)))))
13.1 complete!!
I had the perfect place to rest my body after the race. Johnny's friend Ryan and his wife Mae opened up their adorable house to us and we had a blast with them this weekend!! I'll be posting about our weekend next :)
Happy Running!
Love, T
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