
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Happenings Around Here

I have become a huge fan of fabric wrapped wreaths this year. I made my first one during a much needed craft session with my friend Leah of Sookie Says at the end of the summer.  You can see it here.  When Halloween came around I decided to make can see it here.  Now I have a Christmas one to add to my mini collection of fabric wrapped wreaths :)

I can't wait to pull this sweet wreath out in like 20 years and reminisce on making it.  If you would like to make one yourself visit any of the links above for the DIY! I'll leave yall with a few other holiday happenings around our place over the past week or so.

Christmas cards got mailed out!

yes I have a Christmas colored UK hoodie:)

his new favorite place!

Tara got us a cute Christmas set of bowls for our anniversary so I made some chili the other day and we put these cute little bowls to use for the first time!

o you know just measuring Burli's head..for a Santa hat of course....

I made this sweet little Santa hat in about 20 min!

Happy Happenings!
Love, T

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty wreath!! Looks like your right on schedule with your holiday planning and your kitty is super cute! Merry Christmas Tia♥
