
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meet Tara

If you know me personally than you probably already know I have an amazing sister, Tara.  If you read my blog on a regular basis than you already know I have a sister but maybe you don't know quite how great she is.  I have asked her to join my blog and share some of her talents and interests with you!  I am a blog lover of almost all types but my favorite blogs are the ones that touch on a wide variety of topics from cooking, fashion, and photography to music and more! By adding Tara to my blog you will get a wider variety of posts! I sent her a few questions to answer so you can get a feel of what she will be sharing with you!!
Meet Tara...
Hello Tara! Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Well, I’m 24 and I still like to watch cartoons and doodle on any piece of paper I get my hands on. A few of my favorite things include finding new music, painting, reading, and photography! I also happen to thrive on spending time with my family… Do you know them? They happen to be awesome ;) Hehe.

What are you going to be sharing with us here on A cup of T?
I am going to be sharing hair styling DIYs, music “must haves”, great reads, photography tips (for the inner professional photographer in all of us), and perhaps a little bit of my everyday quirkiness. 

What inspires you?
Everything!! But, Pinterest is a big source of inspiration for me these days. I am borderline obsessed with it, actually. It’s a great way to pick other peoples’ brains and generate new ideas of your own.

Anything else you would like to share?
Ummm… I really just want to say that I can’t wait to start blogging with you!!
Welcome Seester!
Love, T

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