
Monday, October 22, 2012

The Color Run-Nashville

It seems like ages ago my friends and I were signing up for The Color Run in Nashville, welp yesterday was the day and let me tell you, it was amazing.  The Color Run is labeled the happiest 5k on the planet and I may just have to agree with them!  I guess a combination of things makes me feel this way..the relaxed vibe with no pressure to race others, the color dust clouds you run head into only to find people laughing and dancing like fools while running for such a good cause on a beautiful day with beautiful friends:) I'm already looking forward to doing one next year!! If you are signed up for a Color Run, enjoy it!!  This was a great weekend to the end of my little vacation from work!

Happy Running!
Love, T

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Halloween Craft Night

Good Morning! I wanted to quickly share with you a little festive craft night we had the other night after getting our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. Here are some pics of our fun little spooky evening...

Ok I gotta run, I'm off to Nashville for The Color Run:)
Happy Creating!
Love, T

Friday, October 19, 2012

2 Year Celebration:)

This past Tuesday, the 16th, I celebrated my second wedding anniversary with my dear Johnny:)  I know everybody says this but I really can't believe it's already been 2 years!  This past year has been totally different from our first year of marriage.  Our first was very eventful for us and this year we have spent getting settled into new jobs and an apartment that we have come to call home.  Johnny is currently in his last year of Grad school so hopefully this time next year we will be house searching, Que the nervous, yet huge smile across my face at that thought.  Who knows what the future holds for us.  One thing I am for sure is that we had a wonderful second year of marriage.  With Johnny in school full time and 2 papers due at the end of the week we kept it pretty low key and it was perfect:)  If you would like to see a few pics from our big day 2 years ago click here

I love when Johnny makes brunch:)

Of course I had to sport my Mrs. shirt! I plan on wearing it every year until it wears out:)

While Johnny was working on school stuff I occupied myself by going to Micheals and buying way too much scrapbook stuff to make a scrapbook for our anniversary pictures!  See our 1 year ones here!
Speaking of which we are getting our 2nd ones made very soon and I will share them with you!

Last year Johnny and I decided we will do an anniversary photo shoot every year so we can capture each other at that moment each year.  I had a simple photo album I planned on adding to each year and now I have a scrapbook to make a page each year..lets take a look inside...

So I'll just create a new page each year:)

We had a yummy dinner out and ended up back home snuggled on the couch to watch our current fav show..The Walking Dead:)  Netflix is the best!

Happy Anniversary Johnny!
Love, T

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

One of my favorite things to do in the fall is to visit the pumpkin patch! Nathan, Alex and I took a little trip to get pumpkins.  We found this sweet little place last year, see our 2011 visit here!  Fun for all ages:) Visit their website here.  One other thing, you may notice my hair looks..well totally different:)  It is fall ready!  Tara came up and we painted a few of the pumpkins that we got this day and I'll share that with you very soon.  I hope you have time to squeeze in a visit to the pumpkin patch this season.
SURPRISE!! Dark hair:)

perfect little pumpkin:)

Happy Pumpkin Pickin!
Love, T

Ps, Tomorrow is Johnny and my 2nd wedding anniversary:))

Friday, October 12, 2012

An Apple a Day

With fall brings delicious apples and apple recipes around every corner.  Lucky for me my parents have an apple tree in their backyard and this year it sure did produce!  Last year their peach tree had a ton of peaches and this year was the year for their apple tree to shine!  So I gathered a basket full of apples and put them to tasty use. 

I made fresh apple juice..

Crock-pot apple sauce: peel and chop apples and add cinnamon, a little water and a lemon peel
cook on low for 5-6 hours and you will have delicious apple sauce!

I used the applesauce in the healthy apple muffins I here for the recipe!

I used the rest of the apples in oatmeal, yogurt or with a tablespoon of almond butter:)
Happy Snackin!
Love, T

Monday, October 8, 2012

Finally Fall!

I think there are lots of you, like me, out there that could not wait for fall and a break from that HOT summer.  Well it's here!  Only a few weeks in and I am enjoying every moment.  Homemade veggie soup, fall crafts, fall drinks, changing leaves, smores, dark hair and festive decor:)  October is my favorite month of the year so I'm in an extra good mood.  My parents celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary yesterday!! I love you both so much and I am so happy you found your sole mate so early and have spent so many happy years with your best bud! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!  Johnny and I will also be celebrating our anniversary this month:)  I can't believe it's almost been 2 years.  So much to enjoy this fall and it's just getting started!  So here has what my fall has been like so far....

Happy Fall Y'all!
Love, T