
Monday, October 8, 2012

Finally Fall!

I think there are lots of you, like me, out there that could not wait for fall and a break from that HOT summer.  Well it's here!  Only a few weeks in and I am enjoying every moment.  Homemade veggie soup, fall crafts, fall drinks, changing leaves, smores, dark hair and festive decor:)  October is my favorite month of the year so I'm in an extra good mood.  My parents celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary yesterday!! I love you both so much and I am so happy you found your sole mate so early and have spent so many happy years with your best bud! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!  Johnny and I will also be celebrating our anniversary this month:)  I can't believe it's almost been 2 years.  So much to enjoy this fall and it's just getting started!  So here has what my fall has been like so far....

Happy Fall Y'all!
Love, T

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