
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Run with Spirit

On my run this morning I showed my Kentucky basketball spirit!  Woot woot!  I'm happy to say both UK and Murray State won their games today! 
go cats!

go racers!

My run today was kinda perfect, sunny and 50 degree weather:)  I listened to the Rihanna station on Pandora and only had to skip one song so it was a good playlist day too!  No knee pain at all either.  Made me super excited for spring sneaking up on us.  Is it good running weather where you are? If it is or isn't make sure you rememebr your music, chapstick and water:) 
nothing better than cheap ol carmex

I got this Brita filtered water bottle for Christmas and I love it!!

Had a yummy lunch after my nice little run to refuel.  I made quinoa burgers and they were delicious.  I adapted my recipe from this recipe
Happy Running!
Love, T

1 comment:

  1. the food at the end looks good, congrats on having a good run :)
