
Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Juicy Details

The other day I was trying to decide on something to watch on Netflix, which I have found is kinda hard with all of the options, I decided to watch one more food based movie.  I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead which is a documentary about one man who decides to do a fresh juice based diet for 60 days!  Sounds crazy right?  Well I thought the same thing but the movie was definitely worth watching because he literally not only saves his own life but the life of a complete stranger:) Of course I researched this juice diet online and found their website here.  They have different plans from a long weekend cleanse to a full 15 day plan.  The theory is to cleanse your body of toxins and heal your damaged cells with micro nutrients.  Johnny and I were super interested after watching this movie so I asked my mom if we could borrow their juicer to see if we would like it.  Our plan is to juice one to two times a day for now. 
We headed out to get a cart full of fresh produce to begin our juicing..
this is what we came back with..

We were pretty excited to get started so we decided to each pick a few things for the drink and throw it in..

we also added handfuls of kale and fresh each drink ended up with
1 orange
1 lime
1 apple
2 carrots
2 beets
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of kale

So how was it? Wellll...not bad!
For breakfast this morning we used mainly fruits for a sweeter juice

This tasty goodness has..
1 apple
1/2 orange
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup mango
1 carrot
If you juice feel free to share recipes and combinations you have tried and liked!
Happy Juicing!
Love, T


  1. this is great! I just watched that documentary two days ago and my husband said to hit the store for a juicer ASAP!! I'm excited to hear how your juicing goes and I can't wait to start mine!

  2. Oooh yummy I want a juicer so bad. A couple of friends of mine do the juice detox thing like once a month. Its crazy good for you. I just do smoothies : ) I like you... and your blog!

  3. We have the same juicer! I highly recommend apple + carrot juice. Give it a try!! :)
