
Monday, September 29, 2014


Long time no blog..right?  So lame, I know! Anywho I am back and so much has happened since I last posted.  My summer was super packed with awesomeness. Lets see if I can remember the highlights.... my best friend (Ashley) got married which included beautiful showers and a fun little bachelorette party, I got to see family on every summer holiday, my Uncles Pat and Bobby got married and I had a blast at their reception, finished my first ever summer class, spent a weekend in a cabin in Gatlinburg celebrating turning 30 with lifelong girlfriends, went white water rafting for the first time, Johnny and I enjoyed our first year as CSA members, and I think that hits the highlights, O wait one more thing did happen...WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!

I want to get all caught up on here so I can start sharing little projects around the house, new recipes and the everyday happenings around here.  Having a bigger kitchen has been my very favorite part of having a house:)  As I am sitting here so much is running through my mind that I want to share!  I'm really not sure how I ended up going so long without posting but if you know me personally you know I LOVE FALL, so I am bursting to share fallish things:))  I am glad to be back and will be posting a few catch up posts and after that on with fall and house and food and whatever else flies through my world!
Here's a super quick summer rap up in pictures...

Dirty 30 baby...

 Ash got married...

4th of July..

Home sweet home..

It's good to be back!
Happy Fall!
Love, T

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