
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

CSA Summer

This summer was our first time being Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) members.  We joined VegetableLand and have been enjoying weekly shares of nutritious organic food.  I recommend giving it a try if you love veggies and are willing to give random produce a chance!  I love going each week and seeing what is in my bag of goodies!  I'm not sure if we will do it again simply because we hope to have our very own garden up and running...que to excited squeal with a side of fingers crossed:)  Here are some picture of what we got this summer...

 lettuce, arugula, dandelion greens, garlic chives & daikon radish 
 lettuce, spinach, mint, garlic scapes, cherry radishes & sugar snap peas
 lettuce, garlic scapes, sugar snap peas, mizuna & strawberries
kale, garlic scapes,, garlic, mint, sugar snap peas

 sugar snap peas, mok choy, garlic, thyme & carrots
 basil, arugula, onions & amaranth 

 eggplant, tomatoes, tomatillos & bell pepper
 eggplant, cherry tomatoes, turnips & spaghetti squash
 cucumbers, garlic, arugula & soy beans
 peaches, okra, green beans 
 tomato and pepper plants
 cucumbers, garlic, tomatoes, basil & okra

eggplant,persimmon pulp, soy beans & chestnuts
Food can be so beautiful in it's natural state:)
Happy Food!
Love, T

Monday, September 29, 2014


Long time no blog..right?  So lame, I know! Anywho I am back and so much has happened since I last posted.  My summer was super packed with awesomeness. Lets see if I can remember the highlights.... my best friend (Ashley) got married which included beautiful showers and a fun little bachelorette party, I got to see family on every summer holiday, my Uncles Pat and Bobby got married and I had a blast at their reception, finished my first ever summer class, spent a weekend in a cabin in Gatlinburg celebrating turning 30 with lifelong girlfriends, went white water rafting for the first time, Johnny and I enjoyed our first year as CSA members, and I think that hits the highlights, O wait one more thing did happen...WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!

I want to get all caught up on here so I can start sharing little projects around the house, new recipes and the everyday happenings around here.  Having a bigger kitchen has been my very favorite part of having a house:)  As I am sitting here so much is running through my mind that I want to share!  I'm really not sure how I ended up going so long without posting but if you know me personally you know I LOVE FALL, so I am bursting to share fallish things:))  I am glad to be back and will be posting a few catch up posts and after that on with fall and house and food and whatever else flies through my world!
Here's a super quick summer rap up in pictures...

Dirty 30 baby...

 Ash got married...

4th of July..

Home sweet home..

It's good to be back!
Happy Fall!
Love, T