
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Playing Catch Up...I Turned 30!

Yes I am well aware that we are over a week into April and I am just now posting about things in March, but better late than never right? The end of March is always one of my favorite parts of the year because of my birthday!  This year Nathan (my twin brother) and I turned 30!!  We celebrated together the weekend before our birthday with family and as always it was a blast! 

 Gee thanks Dad^ Haha!
UK played that night and won which was a sweet little birthday present!
 I love when I get an opportunity to use my Instax mini! Reminds to print pictures!

 Got lots of awesome goodies.....
 New running gear is awesome because it gives me instant motivation!
 My favorite card had to be the cat in the sweater. Thanks seester!!

Happy (belated) 30th Birthday Nate and to me!
Love, T

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