
Monday, January 13, 2014

2 weeks In

Here we are just shy of 2 weeks into 2014 and I must say...not too shabby, so far:)  This feeling may be in large part to being on vacation for the last 11 days (insert huge smile).  After all the hustle and bustle of the holidays it has been an absolute gift to just be able to get caught up on life!  I have been cleaning out closets, washing literally everything in this apartment, wasting time watching my latest Netflix obsession One Tree Hill (so lame I know), cooking, juicing, running, getting ready for school to start again, spending time with Johnny and catching up with friends!  I think I could get used to the whole not working thing:)  Lucky for me my job is so stinking awesome I actual don't mind being there.  How is your new year so far? 

 O yeah and hanging with this guy...
 Happy Monday!
Love, T

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