
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wooden Initials Love

On Valentine's Day I decided to make a love inspired piece for our bedroom to bring a simple and sweet touch to the walls. I've seen lots of variation on Pinterest so I made my own version.

All you need is:
-an empty frame-found mine at Hobby Lobby in the clearance section (woot woot)
-two wooden letters-your first initial and your loves first initial
-a heart-I used the lid of a heart shaped box to give the piece some dimension
-paint and paint brush
-hanging apparatus-I used a metal attachment on the frame, just find the middle of the frame and tap it in place with a hammer, for the letters I used sticky hangers and push pins for the heart (in the framing section at Hobby Lobby they have all the hanging equipment you will need)

Paint your letters and heart first and let them dry
While they are drying get your frame ready to hang and hang it in place on your wall
Once your paint is dry hang your letters and heart inside frame

Viola! You have a love inspired piece of art!
Happy Crafting!
Love, T

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. How cute! Lovely pictures as well;)
    Have a great time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra
