
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rollin Rollin Rollin...

This past weekend I met up with a small group of girls for our annual canoe trip on the Red River in Tennessee.  2012 is our third year doing this:)  Every year the group varies a tad due to the real world of jobs and kids etc.  This year there were six of us and we had an absolute blast, of course we do every year.  Last year it rained so much that it took us about an hour to get down the river and this year it was completely different, it took us 6 hours, talk about a workout!!  After paddling for that long we were pretty worn out and ready to crash:)  I think it was a general coincidence that we were all super sore and had multiple random bruises on our bodies.  I'm already looking forward to next year!  See last years adventure here:)


Happy Paddling!
Love, T


  1. I love that! we did it with the class every year as well :) Now that I am going to study at a university I am thinking about joining the rowing club if I have enough time :)

  2. Looks like you had a great time!!! :)
