
Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Sips

Summer is just around the corner and there is nothing better than a nice cold drink on a hot day. Alongside juicing I have been playing around with different smoothie combinations.  Smoothies are nice, in comparison to juicing because you can add ice or yogurt to make it more of a milkshake texture.  I am going to share with you some of the combinations I have been experimenting with as well as different juices to try too!
Cheers to healthy summer sips!
Let's start with juice..
watermelon, spinach, peach, carrot, orange and beet juice

spinach, celery, orange, carrot, lime and apple juice

apple, orange, carrot juice

strawberry juice:)

cantaloupe, rhubarb, carrot, apple, spinach juice

Now a couple of smoothie ideas...
spinach, peach, banana, vanilla yogurt and ice

spinach, banana, strawberries, strawberry yogurt and ice
I have found it very helpful to peel and freeze the banana because it gives the smoothie a thicker consistency
I plan on sharing new combinations throughout the summer!  Let me know if you have a fav drink!
Happy Drinking!
Love, T


  1. I've always been so hesitant to put spinach in my smoothies. I am too afraid it will ruin the deliciousness that it is before veggies! But that last smoothie does sound pretty good!

    Don't forget to check out my giveaway!

  2. YUM! Those all look so delicious! I really need a juicer...

  3. Super cool and tasty blog:) I love it!
