
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Love Mail.

I'm not really sure if I have ever mentioned on here that I love getting mail.  It doesn't matter if it is a thank you card, birthday card or a bill.  I like checking the mail box and all.  Simply..I love mail.  Something I love more than getting mail is getting packages in the mail!!  Even when I know what it is I love waiting for it and opening it, really everything about it.  Dorky?  Maybe slightly.  Owell.  I think this is why I love packaging my goodies from my etsy shops so personally:) Remember when chain letters were popular?  Well I ate that stuff up and loved each one!  Wow I'm really letting my inner dork shine tonight.  On the topic of mail I have two lovely packages I want to share with you that I received recently.  The first one was a trade I did with the adorable Rachael!  I love both of her etsy shops and browse them from time to time (visit them here and here).  One day when I was browsing her art store I ran across a couple prints I fell in love with and now I am a happy owner of both:)))  I still need to find frames for these two beauties so I can hang them but, I wanted to share them with you.  Just another reason I love mail...

both of these prints are so me..I adore them both!

Thanks again Rachael for these beauties!

The other thing I want to share with you is the contents of a package I got from one of my sweet aunts. 

These items were my aunt's mother's and it means a lot to me that she took the time to send me such treasures.  Thank you Aunt Barb:)
Maybe you will get a fun package in the mail soon:)
Happy Sending!
Love, T

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