
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today's Thrift Finds

Today I realized that I wanted to start sharing my thrift finds with you guys:)  I have no idea why I haven't been doing this all along!  I used to volunteer with my grandmother at St. Vincent's Depaul weekly and I would just love going through all the stuff.  I think this is where my love for thrifting began.  Sometimes I go when I am looking for something specific but mostly I go just to go and see what I can find.  Evansville has quite a few second hand/thrift stores that I regular.  However I found a new spot the other day so that is where I headed off to today.  Here is what I ended up with..
can't wait to try this out!

since we have been juicing and making smoothies a lot lately we have been running out of clean glasses so I thought these would work just fine

lots of pretty vintage clothes for Suds in the Bucket shop that I do with my friend Leah:)
Happy Thrifting!
Love, T

Monday, February 27, 2012

Coffee Date with Nate

Did you know I have a twin brother?  Those of you who know me personally are probably thinking duh?!  For those of you who know me solely in the blog world may not know that bit about me:)  Well I had a little coffee date with him last night before I headed to work.  He and Alex got a new coffee maker, one of those snazzy Keurig machines and it is pretty stinking awesome!  It is perfect for the occasional coffee drinker or someone who likes trying different coffee daily.  O yeah and it makes hot tea, cider and even hot chocolate!   Nathan invited me over for coffee and I'm glad he did because it was super tasty and made my night. 

my flavor of choice for the night

Happy Brewing!
Love, T

ps. Is his Kitty not amazing?  Slightly blurry because this WILDcat never stays still:)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dark Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Cookies

I don't bake as much as I used to, primarily because I would bake bread, cinnamon rolls, cakes, muffins you name it and I'm sure that my body wouldn't appreciate those things very much.  I find myself looking for excuses to bake and I decided to make a dark chocolate chip and oatmeal cookie.  Johnny and I are kinda hooked on Kashi oatmeal dark chocolate soft-baked cookies as a treat from time to time.  So I read the ingredients on the back of the box and googled the cookie and compiled my own version of these yummy cookies. 
If you like these..
You should make these...

You will need:
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 t salt
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t cinnamon
3/4 c unrefined sugar
1 stick butter
1/4 c honey
1 egg
1/2 t vanilla
1 c semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 c granola

Preheat oven to 375
Mix butter, flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, sugar and vanilla together in bowl, beat on medium until combined well.
Turn mixer speed to low and add egg.
Add chocolate chips and granola to batter.

Scoop dough out in Tbsp portions and place on a greased cookie sheet
Bake for about 10 minutes
Let cool on counter top or cooling rack

Happy Baking!
Love, T

Saturday, February 25, 2012


It's no secret that I love Instagram pictures.  My kitty is definitely me favorite subject!  I enjoy taking them and seeing other people's Instagram pictures.  My phone case is even covered in Instagram snap shots. If you are a fellow lover of this amazing app you must download PostalPix and print some of your pics!  I have realized that I print fewer and fewer pictures now that I primarily use my phone as a camera.  With this app you can order prints right from your phone.  Anyway back to Insta-Kitty day:)  Here is what Burlington has been up to..
Laying around...

Bird watching..
Sitting around..
being sleepy..


and basically just hanging out...

He's a Happy Kitty!
Happy Saturday!
Love, T

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sunny Day

Yesterday it was unseasonably warm here in Indiana.  Right below 70 to be exact.  Since I worked the night before I missed most of it due to my need for sleep.  However I did get up at a decent time (for a nght shifter) because I had an eye appointment I had to get to.  I was actually excited about this because I am getting new glasses for the first time since high school!  The ones I own now solely function as a transition from my contacts to when I go to bed or if I have just gotten up for the day.  With my new glasses I can actually wear them on days my eyes need a rest or when they are feeling dry!  They dilated my pupils so I was unable to pick out frames yesterday since I couldn't exactly see quite right, so I will pick them out soon!  I was inspired by the warm weather to sport some spring colored nail polish and wear my favorite Poor Pitiful Pearl shirt:)  Snapped a few pics throughout the day:)  If it was warm where you are I hope you got to enjoy it a bit!
narrowed it down to 2 :)

flats make me smile:)

fav spring drink! passion fruit iced tea

sun bathing kitty

waiting in the waiting room..tick tock tick tock

can't wait for more warm days so I can wear this shirt more, it screams spring to me:)

spinach noodles, lean meat and veggies for dinner

oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert and no flour or sugar needed
I'll share the recipe for these yummy cookies soon
such a lovely sunny day:)
Happy Day!
Love, T

Thursday, February 23, 2012

For the Healthy Eating Pasta Lovers

Do you love pasta?  OK that was sorta a silly question because who doesn't love pasta?  If you are one of the few people out there who dislikes the carb filled goodness of pasta I am severely jealous of you.  I, as you can tell, love pasta.  While I almost always buy wheat pasta it still just fills "bad" for me.  So I set out on a mission to find a healthier way to enjoy these yummy noodles. 
Ahha!  I found it...quinoa pasta!  That's right pasta made from a supergrain!  I picked mine up at The Fresh Market but I'm sure you can find it at most grocery stores.  Whipped up a fresh sauce to go on top and had a big plate of pasta that I felt pretty dang good about:) You should give it a try!

just saltee the green pepper and onion and add the cans of tomatoe goodness to the skillet to heat up
I drained the juice off and only used half of the tomato paste
o yeah and feel free to add spices!!

Happy Eating!
Love, T

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sew Sweet

Since Johnny and I moved to Evansville and I have my own sewing room now it is so much easier to randomly work on projects.  The best part is being able to start a project and leave it half finished and not have to tuck it away in a box somewhere, now I just shut the door if I hate the mess:)  I thought I would share a few sweet little sewing projects I have worked on this month.

nice little addition to the kitchen:)
I made these polka dot pillow covers..

here is what they looked like BEFORE, I liked them but when we got a red couch it was just too much red!


Here are a couple of my favorite customs I've made lately..

I love making customs for people:)
Visit my facebook page to see more!

last but not least, my current project: handmade crib sheets for the babies at work
If you are a fellow sewer I hope you have managed to squeeze in a bit of sewing this year!  If you are not a sewer but do have a hobby the same to you:)
Happy Sewing!
Love, T

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Juicy Details

The other day I was trying to decide on something to watch on Netflix, which I have found is kinda hard with all of the options, I decided to watch one more food based movie.  I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead which is a documentary about one man who decides to do a fresh juice based diet for 60 days!  Sounds crazy right?  Well I thought the same thing but the movie was definitely worth watching because he literally not only saves his own life but the life of a complete stranger:) Of course I researched this juice diet online and found their website here.  They have different plans from a long weekend cleanse to a full 15 day plan.  The theory is to cleanse your body of toxins and heal your damaged cells with micro nutrients.  Johnny and I were super interested after watching this movie so I asked my mom if we could borrow their juicer to see if we would like it.  Our plan is to juice one to two times a day for now. 
We headed out to get a cart full of fresh produce to begin our juicing..
this is what we came back with..

We were pretty excited to get started so we decided to each pick a few things for the drink and throw it in..

we also added handfuls of kale and fresh each drink ended up with
1 orange
1 lime
1 apple
2 carrots
2 beets
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of kale

So how was it? Wellll...not bad!
For breakfast this morning we used mainly fruits for a sweeter juice

This tasty goodness has..
1 apple
1/2 orange
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup mango
1 carrot
If you juice feel free to share recipes and combinations you have tried and liked!
Happy Juicing!
Love, T