
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Date Night

Since I enjoy cooking and Johnny doesn't mind to help we rarely eat out.  Of course eating in is a big way we try to save money. This had become pretty difficult after moving to Evansville where there is basically any restaurant you can really want or crave.  When we lived in a smaller town it was easy to stay in since there wasn't many places I even liked to eat.  We had our first date night since the beginning of the year a couple of nights ago.  We decided to go out to eat at at our favorite German restaurant, the Gerst Haus.  It was super tasty and the atmosphere is always fun.  I got the Turkey Ruben and red cabbage topped with a nice German beer.  It always makes going out to dinner more of an occasion when we don't really ever go:) It was nice to get out for a night.  Top the night of with a movie and I say it's a great date night!
before dinner:)

I was super excited to wear my $5 cardi I got at Target:) 
A Violet Bella necklace always sweetens up an outfit!

after dinner:)
Happy Eats!
Love, T

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