
Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog Fabulous: Sookie Says

Meet Leah:
She is the talented and creative mind behind one of my favorite blogs: Sookie Says.  I chose her to be the first of many to come fabulous blog features not only because she is one of my close friends but because she is so inspiring! She is a hand sewing genius and vintage queen!

Tell us just what you can find on your adorable blog.
My blog represents pretty much anything i love: fashion, vintage, music....the list goes on! i also share lots of personal things about my life and DIY's. This year i hope to even expand my blog sections and become more consistent with quality posts <3 
What made you decide to start blogging?
I constantly stalked other blogs, and i realized that a blog may be the only kind of journal i would actually write on! plus i get so much joy in sharing parts of my life and when i read comments from lovely people it completely makes my day! i also love the ability to have a record of my life to go back and look at down the road and remember:) 
Where do you find your inspiration? 
 ALL over!! i mostly find inspiration in other blogs/people... recently Pinterest...and sometimes i just get inspired from a random thought or picture.  i'd say my fellow crafters/bloggers inspire me the most though.
What are some of the blogs you follow?
My bloglovin list is HUGE! but some that i am constantly checking on is 
Threadesque (Samantha is darling!)
Tell us about your etsy shops?
My Sookie Says shop is my handmade clothing shop, where i decorate clothing with vintage doilies, lace, fabric and lots of embroidery... i've recently put it on vacation though so that i can concentrate on giving it a facelift and figure out what direction i ultimately want to in with it:) 
Suds in the Bucket is a vintage clothing shop, its so much fun to thrift for new treasures! I'm still learning about vintage and everything in my shop is priced very reasonably...while my other shop is on vacay i plan to really show my Suds shop some attention so stay tuned for lots of vintage goodness in the next month!!!!

Happy Meeting!
Love, T

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