
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Garden of the Gods

My brother is on vacation this week and Alex is on fall break so we've been able to get together quite a bit this week! Our first excursion was to Garden of the Gods in southern Illinois.  Only about an hour and a half drive from Evansville! This was a gorgeous day trip, the trees are starting to really change and the rocks are kinda incredible.  Alex made a comment that suits this little trip perfectly.."I can't believe we live this close to something like this." I couldn't agree more with him.  In my mind I picture places as pretty as this being far away, when in reality there are fun things to do and gorgeous things to see just around the corner.  We kicked our shoes off and had a picnic followed by hours of exploring and taking in some of Mother Nature's gifts :)

I sure did miss Johnny on this little trip, he had to stay home and type a paper for school :( He was definitely there in spirit.  Thought about him all day. I sure do give it to him for having such commitment to school because my butt would've walked right out the door!

 Happy Exploring!
Love, T

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