
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DIY: Cat Mat

Basically I'm obsessed with my cat (Burli) , some of you probably already know this :) Often my crafting projects involve thoughts of what I want to make Burli but usually get overruled in my mind by rational projects like things for the house or new A cup of T products.  However I did take a little time to make him a cat mat! What's a cat mat you may ask?? Well the mat that lays under their food and water of course ;) I have step by step instructions below on how to create an adorable one for your fury little feline!  I hope you find this helpful! 
You will need:
2 fabrics, 1 scrap material solid and 1/4 yard print, scissors, iron, sewing machine, embroidery thread and needle

Cut Printed fabric to desired size of mat, I cut about 2 inches off of the 1/4 yard and fold fabric in half with wrong sides out
Place pins along the edge of the long side of the fabric

Sew the edges together leaving about 4-5 inches on one of the short sides open
Place your hand inside the hole and turn the fabric right side out
Iron fabric to flatten all sides
Sew around all edges of cat mat to give a finished look and close the hole left open
Cut 4 small and 1 large circles out from your solid fabric to form a cat paw
Pick embroidery thread out and stitch paw in the corner of your mat
And you are finished!! Ready for kitty to enjoy :)
Great for doggies too:)
Happy Crafting!
Love, T

1 comment:

  1. haha! i love that last photo:) priceless!! burli is so cute i want to cuddle with him! cute DIY i love it:) i might need to make one for Pheobes
