
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lovely Little Day

Have you ever had one of those days you reflect on and think what a great day!?! Well yesterday was one of those for me.  A big plus was getting our taxes mailed out, woot woot, so glad that is out of the way.  I also got a ton of errands ran that I've been putting off.  I've been visiting this small sewing shop in town a lot lately and every time I go I meet a new creative person.  On my latest trip there I met a lady named Robin and she offered me her old scraps!  I know kinda pathetic sounding for me to be so excited about scraps but it's recycling and I can put them to great use.  Yesterday I got my little paws on them and I am super excited because there are many little treasures to be made!  Had lunch with me seester:) UK won their bball game! GO CATS!  I ran a long run, which felt amazing. Spent time with my family. aaannndd Johnny is almost back to normal from getting his wisdom teeth out. So yeah it was a lovely little day!  O yeah and I got some more earrings made for the upcoming craft show! I really love when Tara is around because she likes pictures just as much as I do and she captured me working away yesterday! In conclusion I hope you have a lovely little day!

The Hanson Art Show is March 26th, downtown Hanson!
Happy Day!
Love, T

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