
Sunday, March 27, 2011


Living in big blue nation can be really exciting when the cats are doing good, tonight they did good!  They are headed to the final four!! Right after the game I went for a nice run with my original running buddy Leigh Ann and during our run I pictured me sporting a sweet UK headband on game day.  After our run I came home and created something that makes me smile..a UK headband! It turned out just like the picture in my mind.  Check it out! 

Woot Woot GO UK!!
Happy Day!
Love, T

Saturday, March 26, 2011

First Craft Show..Check

Considering it is windy, freezing and raining we had a pretty decent turnout at the Craft Show today.  I shared a table with my sister Tara and my friend Leah.  Tara had a few of her photographs and Leah has a clothing line called Sookie Says. I really didn't know what to expect from a craft show but it turned out to be pretty fun.  Personally I feel we had the cutest table, I may be a little partial.  There were all types of people there with an array of talents from hand made soap to basket weavers and musicians.  The weather was a major downer but I'm happy people still came out! Johnny brought us some cappuccino which helped a little :) If you came and stopped by, thank you!  If you were unable to make it, so sad:(   Anything I didn't sell today I will be posting on very soon! 

All bundled up:)

I hope wherever you are the weather is better than it is here.  Well I'm gonna make some hot chocolate.
Happy Crafting!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Preparing for the Craft Fair on Saturday!

So this weekend is the big Hanson Craft show.  Downtown historic Hanson, KY all day.  Stop by if you have the day off and want to have a lovely day.  There will be little shops open and all kinds of things to look at including my treasures!  I've been prepping for this for awhile so I'm pretty excited it's finally here!  Here are a couple of pics from this past weekend.  I decided to hand stain some of my embroidery hoops, which turned out really well.  The stain made all the grooves in the wood really stand out, so puurtty.

O yeah Johnny decided he wanted a Mohawk, so Tara gave him one.  I love it!!  I'm trying to convince him to keep it!  

Well I hope to see you this Saturday!  If you can't make it...
Happy Weekend!
Love, T

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I've always enjoyed St. Patty's Day.  I'm not sure if it's because I have an Irish heritage or because my mom always made it such a special day.  Each year the holiday started out with green pancakes, green eggs and green milk :) So this morning I had my own green milk, yes it was in cereal but it still made me smile.

For dinner I made Beer Braised Irish Stew and Colcannon.  It turned out supper yummy!  Tara came over for dinner at the Dickerson's and I even packed some up and took a serving to mom and dad. O yeah I made St. Patty's brownies too. Needless to say my conscious eating took a seat on the sideline for the day :)

Had to take a pic of my lovely little apron:) Thrift store special: $3!



If you are interested in the recipe go to and search Beer Braised Irish Stew and it should pop up.  Submitted by MNIKOLAISEN.  This website is so great because it gives you other people's feedback and what they did to improve it!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Love, T

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meatloaf it's What's for Dinner

Johnny has only been able to eat soft food for a couple of days now because of his poor wisdom teeth.  So I decided to make my yummy turkey meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Both are super easy to make, which is always a plus after working all day myself.  Some of you may snub your nose at the thought of "turkey" meatloaf but I encourage you to try it at least once.  You won't be disappointed!  The mashed potato recipe I swiped from Wendy Mitchell, pampered chef consultant and friend :) She always has great ideas to make things snappy. So here you go..go on try it!

Tia's Turkey Meatloaf

1lb ground turkey
1 lb turkey sausage
1/4 onion chopped
2 eggs
10 crackers, crumbled
1tsp garlic
1 Tbsp pepper
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sage
1 Tbsp BBQ sauce
1Tbsp Ketchup

Mix all ingredients together and bake in over for 35 min, top with BBQ sauce and stick it back in the oven for 15 minutes. Enjoy!!

Now for the quick mashed potatoes!

Peal and chop 3-4 potatoes, throw them in your pampered chef micro cooker with 1/4 cup milk, pinch of salt and pepper and WALLA mashed potatoes.  Add butter if desired. So easy!!

Happy cooking!
Love, T

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Burli Update

Ok this is my last post for the day :) Burli has been super lazy lately, well except at night when he is running around like a crazy kitty!  Johnny got his wisdom teeth out on Thursday and had been relaxing and napping off and on and Burli has been right there with him. See for yourself.

Happy Relaxing!
Love, T

Earrings Galore!

Some more of the earrings I've been busy working on!

Happy Crafting!
Love, T

Lovely Little Day

Have you ever had one of those days you reflect on and think what a great day!?! Well yesterday was one of those for me.  A big plus was getting our taxes mailed out, woot woot, so glad that is out of the way.  I also got a ton of errands ran that I've been putting off.  I've been visiting this small sewing shop in town a lot lately and every time I go I meet a new creative person.  On my latest trip there I met a lady named Robin and she offered me her old scraps!  I know kinda pathetic sounding for me to be so excited about scraps but it's recycling and I can put them to great use.  Yesterday I got my little paws on them and I am super excited because there are many little treasures to be made!  Had lunch with me seester:) UK won their bball game! GO CATS!  I ran a long run, which felt amazing. Spent time with my family. aaannndd Johnny is almost back to normal from getting his wisdom teeth out. So yeah it was a lovely little day!  O yeah and I got some more earrings made for the upcoming craft show! I really love when Tara is around because she likes pictures just as much as I do and she captured me working away yesterday! In conclusion I hope you have a lovely little day!

The Hanson Art Show is March 26th, downtown Hanson!
Happy Day!
Love, T

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Taste of my Newest Creations

As I found myself moseying around Jo Ann fabrics swimming in the greatness of the store I realized what I wanted my next project to be...Earrings! I mean what girl doesn't love earrings.  I've made a couple pairs and I'm hooked.  With each pair I can picture how great they will look on someone.  The sweet, simple style is exactly what I had in mind.  I hope you enjoy them too :)

Happy Creations!
Love, T