
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weather Please Stay

I woke up this morning and it was already 48 degrees!  First thing to my mind was "I can't wait to get off work so I can run!"  I didn't even wear a coat today.  I normally love winter and the sweaters and hats that come along but I am so ready for nice running weather I can't hardly stand it.  I signed up for my next half marathon in Louisville, The Derby Half Marathon.  Training for any type of running event is always and emotional and physical roller coaster for me so I'm sure I will be posting all about it.  I ran  a 4 mile run today and it was so relaxing, I think I had a runners high afterwards. :) I've decided to start taking my phone to snap pictures along the way because some of my running routes are truly paradise.  I love sharing pictures of my runs because I get excited to share each shot with you!

I had to stop and take it all in.

When I came to this spot in the road it reminded me of life, do I take the route the leads to the finish or do I run straight into the field of the unknown.  I'm telling you running pondering is the best pondering.

Happy Pondering!
Love, T

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