
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wall Art

I have started making the cutest wall art ever.  I started by making one for Johnny and I and have created 2 others since.  I already have a couple requests!  I'm so excited that other people want something I made hanging in their house!  Makes me smile REAL big :) Part of the centerpiece at our weeding reception tables were circular pieces of burlap, being the recycler I am, naturally I kept them in hopes of reusing the material.  Well the time has come and it turns out it is perfect for my newest project. I 'm contemplating starting an ETSY account and these might just be y first product I post.  I'll keep you posted on the ETSY thing:) Until than here are my creations.

I made this one for my sister who is going to school to be a teacher, thought the words were appropriate

This one I made with fabric instead of the burlap, I used a fat quarter of fabric and it was the perfect size.

 All three of these are 10 inch circles. I am planning on making 10, 8, and 6 inch pieces in the near future!

Happy Crafting!
Love, T

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