
Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Tara!

Today is my little sister's birthday:)  She is 25 today.  I hope your special day is fabulous seester!

Happy Birthday Tara!
Love, T

Friday, November 2, 2012

This was Halloween

Well another Halloween has come and gone..tear.  Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to dress up this year:( This is actually a first for me.  I worked the weekend before and the day of Halloween so I sorta missed out on the festivities.  However being a grown up didn't keep my little Halloween spirit in.  Johnny and I watched a Halloween marathon before I headed off to night shift, enjoyed Halloween oreos and some spooky decorations around the apartment.  The best part was dressing our little kitty up like a penguin of course:)  So all and all I got to enjoy my favorite holiday just enough.  I hope everyone had a nice Halloween with lots of candy and laughs!

I have to say my favorite is the original Halloween


If you live in the Evansville area here is a list of haunted spots around town..spooky!

Never forget to check behind the shower curtain for scary kitties!!
Happy Halloween!
Love, T